Sunday, August 14, 2011

Party Planning Tips

Here some tips that may help you with your party planning...
 1. Don't stress. Your party and party  planning should be fun, not a pain and yet another thing to stress over. Work on your party a little bit each day, rather than start the day before and completely freak out.
2. Figure out whats worth making yourself and whats better to buy. If your creating a lot of the party yourself (decorations, food, etc.) decide if its worth your time and energy to make it or just spend a few extra dollars to buy. For example, I learned it would have been better to buy a paper cut out of a jukebox rather than draw one on a poster board, paint it, and outline it. I think I've worked on that jukebox for more than 2 hours already, and the darn thing still isn't done. Don't get me wrong, I love doing crafts, but its starting to get a tad tedious now that I'm nearing the 3rd hour....
3. Get some helpers. If at all possible, see if you can get a few people to help you plan a party. My mom and sister are really good at helping :)
4. Everything is better  with glitter. This is my personal motto :) 

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